
Sunday 14 April 2013


Gemucon; a gaming convention in Nottingham, Englandshire.

So I went away on a trip to England last week, and I got so ill during it I only felt well enough to blog about it now. ಥ_ಥ

I left my lovely home on the Wednesday because me and a friend had booked the earliest flights they had. (The airport is a very awkward one and only had two flights a day, very early in the morning or very late in the evening). I stayed in my friends house the Wednesday night in Dublin (her name was also Emma heehee)
I convinced Emma to come to my favorite local Korean bar 'Kimchi'. It was fun, soju cocktails are strong.

 I got the first one Jake (the barman) ever made (°◇°;)

We took a bus to the airport very early in the morning. I have to say I was a zombie during most of the trip over because I did spot copies of Sailor Moon at Emma's and i'd never managed to read it and... I didn't sleep at all really. 

Being a terrible gamer I went purely for friends, but I did try some of the gaming, a racing game, I fell off the track within a minute... nearly got back into 28th place (out of 30) fell off the track again and 'retired'. I cried for the poor tiny pixelated driver and his family. I also played a weird Taiko drum game, I totally won with pure, raw, talent.

Actually I decided to make an impromptu artists alley with my friend Greg, aka I stole paper, we drew on it, and left it there for the masses, and actually a lot of people drew on it, I was really pleased. 

I regret this so much, seriously, sorry Mr Ward. 

(wow I jumped ahead)

I'm not going to talk much about the con because i'm a jerk and didn't attend it much really and just hung out in the restaurant and friends rooms.

One thing I have to say about England... IT STILL HAD SNOW WTF??
During one of the moments I managed to wake up I did see fields with snow there, and the airport did manage to have snow at the bus stop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .... it was a bad thing as i'd forgotten to pack a coat/cardigan/hoodie. I resigned myself to a weekend of being an icecube.

So we got to the hotel and stuff and apparently i'm one of the only people who liked it, but again i'm sort of an optimist in the fact that 'oh my friends were there they made it good'... actually i'm lying it was a mixture of that and a lot of alcohol. A LOT.
I give props to the staff they were lovely, really helpful and pleasant, one of the ladies at reception saw I had a glowstick and got so excited I gave it to her ahhh~

Got to see Dani (Jukei) one of my favorite people ever, she was looking lovely as per usual. (I have no idea it feels appropriate to see what).

eyyyy sexy lady

There were a few fabulous cosplayers over the weekend, two gorgeous vocaloid were amazing, my friend Rachie ( ) cosplayed from Dangan Ronpa sobsobsob yes and dressed amazing over the whole weekend negl. Charlie who cosplayed a beautiful Luka, and Fiona who was cosplaying from Idolmaster (And Bunny, THAT REN), also Lauren and Carlo's Bioshock cosplays were damn perfect. So even tho there wasn't a huge amount of cosplay, the quality of a lot of it was so good. I wanted to just burrow into the ground in my Uta no prince sama stuff. (RINGO PLEASE GET A FRINGE).

Thursday was a really good night, There were two events on at the con, a dinner for friends and a nights debauchery in the brass monkey organized by Jae ( ) . The dinner was fun, I wasn't up for eating much so I had a bowl of Kimchi (°∀°)b The Koreaboo in me was very happy.

The brass monkey wasn't 100% my thing, it was a very expensive place, so I had one shot before I toddled off. Don't hate me Jae.  I did however pop to Tescos and grab drinks to have with everyone, and Monster energy drink (LOW CAL (✌゚∀゚) ahahaha)

Friday night was just really good for hanging out, I mean all the hanging out was so fun, probably the highlight of the con for me wooo. 'stuff and things' etc. I literally had no idea chatting about the walking dead could be so much fun. props to the fab Rick cosplayer, dude, A+++

oops I accidentally was Daryl Dixon

The rest of the days all passed in a similar fashion, bar Saturday night in which I had a few too many drinks read most of Greg's Jaeger, and sir I will treat you on my birthday ohmygosh.  Sometimes when I have a few too many drinks I get... weird? So I had to be put to bed. (After ranting about game of thrones, and bio shock  both of which I've never read or watched wow, yet I know tonnes about because my sister rants to me about them.)

So after a while I had to be put to bed, thank you so much to my friend who had to suffer through drunk Emma. Totally a treat right?

Sunday I spent most of the day chilling out in a room with friends, till I felt human enough to actually attend the con. Which was really just me lying about the place in a massive pink wig. I actually attended the party and had fun that night which is a plus. 'Dolla Dolla Dolla Bill'.

Protip: that presidents game is evil, I was the last to put my hand up to my ear and got tackled to the ground.

I guess the best part of the con for me personally was getting to see all the cool kids I like to see. It was 50 shades of desu. Yes I went there, I said the thing.

Thank you everyone not killing me, I mean, why would you 'parkour' totally a legit joke, yes, go watch New Girl now ok, learn to love Schmidt. Or #yoloswag... only to be used in extremely ironic situations.
Also Lucy you should have come your tshirts were amazing ohmygod.
See you later guys, thanks for reading.

so kawaii uguuuu

Monday 1 April 2013

200 pound beauty

I had another blog post planned but my sister mentioned this movie and ... well that completely usurped my entire nights plans. Granted I had planned to watch new girl and gorge on chocolate but damn'it they were good plans 

I had no idea I was going to like the movie, as I have a bad track record when it comes to watching Korean dramas. I've been 'watching' Coffee Prince for the better part of a year now and i'm only an episode in.

I'd heard several friends talk about the movie and I had it the back of my head that I did need to watch it but i'd sort of, put it off and off for so long and when my sister talked about it today I kind of went, 'DAMN WE ARE DOING THIS, IT'S A THING'.

And watch it we did, it's 2.55am and we're sort of in the aftermath of the movie and i'm so happy I did it. (Also my sister being the charming little bastard she is jumped at the chance to make me watch more Korean things as now we have an episode of Coffee Prince loading... hmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

So the movie is about Han-na Kang, a very overweight girl, who despite the weight I find very charming and cute, she's literally so sweet I love her.

She's such a cutie honestly (✌゚∀゚)☞
She's in love with a producer for idol 'Sang-jun, (I neglected to mention that Han-na is 'the voice' while Amy is 'the face').

For a lot of the movie it feels like all Sang-jun see's is dollar signs rather than Han-na, I don't even think he's sort of, particularly mean to her, he just, she's an employee, nothing more? He doesn't go out of his way to be mean, or to be nice, he's just a boss? Amy however is a douche, she makes digs about Han-na's weight and stuff and it's just so nasty to watch.

Also a point to note is Han-na's dad is in a hospital, I think he has some sort of Alzheimer-y illness (it could just be dementia) but it seems he's forgotten a lot and thinks Han-na is his (presumably) late wife.

Stuff happens (which I won't explain as spoilers woah)  but Han-na decides to get some fancy pants plastic surgery to make her feel beautiful, sort of a 'I want my outside to match my inside kind of thing'.
She gets it done, loses all her weight and is super beautiful.

However everything doesn't go the way she wants it to, it kind of does, but doesn't at the same time.
I think the movie's main point was;

You can change yourself to be beautiful on the outside, but until you are happy with yourself as a person, you won't be truly happy.

At least that's the point I took away from the movie.

The other point is that Sang-jun becomes more attractive  the more you watch.

Damnit Sang-jun you handsome devil

I'd seriously recommend this movie if you sort of enjoy that whole issue of weight debate.
I mean I love the transformation in it, seeing Han-na grow as a person to a point where she stands up for herself and isn't ashamed of how she used to be anymore.
Plus there are some funny points.

My stance on plastic surgery and weight loss are pretty simple, 'do what you want to make youself happy'
you want to lose weight do it, you want to gym it, do it, lipo, do it, plastic surgery, do it. Personally I see nothing wrong with it, as long as you don't tread the.... ' ' kind of route. 

I mean if I could afford it i'd get some work done, I need a nice nose. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 

200 Pound beauty as described by my sixteen year old sister;

"get plastic surgery, get hot, get bitches" - Shauna 2013

... as long as you never mention having the surgery, her plan really works.

Seriously... why aren't you watching this?? *:.。. .。.:*・

Josimhaeyo everyone and thanks for reading.